Hi, I'm Edgar Domingues.
I'm a software engineer with a passion for solving real world problems.
I'm a software engineer with a passion for solving real world problems.
These are my current areas of focus.
Develop software applications for web, mobile, desktop, and backend.
From runnable specifications to scalable architectures, deliver high quality software with value to customers.
Here are some of the projects I worked on.
Rest API to fetch iCalendar from Microsoft Office 365 Calendar
Wallet App to track your remaining visits.
Java application that detects if the user is on call
Chatbot that fetches recipes from the internet
WordPress Plugin to show orienteering maps locations in Google Maps
Example Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR380) in Kotlin.
Scraps current weather from web page and stores it to be used by Machine Learning.
Example using Cucumber and Selenium (Firefox Driver) to do a Google search.
Web site of the COC orienteering training camps.
A board game library management app for public conventions.
A virtual trail orienteering web site to host events.
Assembled a split ortholinear mechanical keyboard.